Legs Eleven and my legs are certainly starting to feel it. Positive mindset is definitely the order of the day. Your continued support is a constant motivation XX https://youtu.be/JIyE77fgHRk
10 Days, 10 Marathons and 265 Miles later and I am surprisingly ok. Motivated by the conversations I'm having and the money raised, making this all worthwhile... https://youtu.be/hMq_CEusqqM
Less than two weeks until I take on 28 marathons in 28 days along the southwest coast path in memory of my daughter Anabella who died three years ago and we're so close to getting to my second target of £3,000 and I'd really love it if you guys could…
This is not a travelogue this is not about pretty views and selfies this is about my daughter AnaBella dying. This is about how as a father I questioned my abilities to protect my children as I watched helplessly as my daughter died in NICU. This is about how as…
If you have been reading this site or any of my Social Media feeds you know I am planning to run 28 Marathons in 28 Days to raise awareness of baby loss and miscarriage from a father's perspective. This is all in the name of my daughter AnaBella who died…
It has been a year since I had to cancel the first 'Walk for AnaBella' event on the Camino de Santiago and what a year for the world it has been! As we are slowly peeping our heads up after being in lockdown for such a long time I have…
Hi everybody this is Chris and I'm AnaBella's dad, thank you for visiting my campaign and I'd like to thank all those people that have already donated, all those people that have already sponsored me and all those people that are going to be donating in the near future. And…
So lets start here.Our baby girl AnaBella Nina was born on the 21st April 2017 and died 28 days later on the 19th May.Those 28 days were long, there was ups, there was downs, there was hope but in the end this all turned to sorrow, heartache and pain. For…